Web design para corajosos

Web design para corajosos

Web design para corajosos

Ferve was born for the heat, to be challenging, a lover of technology and design. Always experimenting, in search of new tools and trends, and never get stuck, so bold that was born without a specific purpose, in fact, more like a movement than a true company, but it found itself along the way, and today with a focus on the Web it has been growing and pushing its limits ever further.

Ferve was born for the heat, to be challenging, a lover of technology and design. Always experimenting, in search of new tools and trends, and never get stuck, so bold that was born without a specific purpose, in fact, more like a movement than a true company, but it found itself along the way, and today with a focus on the Web it has been growing and pushing its limits ever further.

Ferve was born for the heat, to be challenging, a lover of technology and design. Always experimenting, in search of new tools and trends, and never get stuck, so bold that was born without a specific purpose, in fact, more like a movement than a true company, but it found itself along the way, and today with a focus on the Web it has been growing and pushing its limits ever further.

Christian Tolentino

Christian Tolentino

Christian Tolentino




The maleficent mind behind Ferve, a coffee addict, loves sports, is a Flamengo fan, and cannot escape his stereotype of a bearded rocker. Graduated in Arts and Design from the Federal University of Juiz de Fora, he adopted a more generalist profile for a good part of his career, but in recent years he dove headfirst into the world of UI/UX and found himself in this crazy area.

"I love dealing with brands, understanding what they need, and discovering how design can help achieve those goals; I strongly believe in the power of branding and well-executed design."

The maleficent mind behind Ferve, a coffee addict, loves sports, is a Flamengo fan, and cannot escape his stereotype of a bearded rocker. Graduated in Arts and Design from the Federal University of Juiz de Fora, he adopted a more generalist profile for a good part of his career, but in recent years he dove headfirst into the world of UI/UX and found himself in this crazy area.

"I love dealing with brands, understanding what they need, and discovering how design can help achieve those goals; I strongly believe in the power of branding and well-executed design."




É quente, é latina, transgressora, corajosa e pulsante, a marca Ferve nasce a partir de um lapso prematuro, como um bebê que salta sozinho do ventre. Com a prepotência de quem se sente necessário no mundo, mesmo sem nem saber a que fim servirá. A marca se propõe a ser desenvolvida aqui, em um palco por ambição, e despida por irreverência.

Acreditamos que todo propósito é decorrente de um sonho, e se permitida sonhar, a Ferve terá o propósito de inspirar coragem. Encorajar pessoas e marcas a se movimentar, mudar e se expressar, se necessário, queima tudo e constrói de novo, por que não? Nada aqui pode ficar parado, é necessária muita energia, muita fervura, para acompanhar o mundo do progresso (ou mundo vuca, como diria Ana Couto).

A Ferve se permite como Lulu, nunca se curva, assim como Caetano e tem pressa de viver como Belchior. Cria sua estética a partir de um respeito ao passado e com absurdo tesão no que está por vir, não se considera uma vanguarda por si só, mas definitivamente um amante delas (imagina só, se colocar em lugar de Oswald e Tarsila hehe), testar de tudo e provar o novo é uma cláusula pétrea por aqui, e as novas tecnologias nunca assustam, pelo contrário, são esperadas com ansiedade.

Na falta do que mais dizer e esperar, é pura conveniência da juventude e imprevisibilidade da rebeldia. Tudo que vier a partir de agora não é calor do momento, e sim da existência. Há muito trabalho a ser feito, muita gente para ser ouvida e é tudo pra ontem.

It is hot, it is Latin, transgressive, brave, and pulsating, the Ferve brand is born from a premature lapse, like a baby that jumps out of the womb on its own. With the arrogance of one who feels necessary in the world. The brand aims to be developed here, on a stage for ambition, and stripped by irreverence.

We believe that every purpose stems from a dream, and if allowed to dream, Ferve will have the purpose of inspiring courage. Encourage people and brands to move, change and express themselves, if necessary, burn everything down and build it up again, why not? Nothing here can remain still, a lot of energy, a lot of boiling, is needed to keep up with the world of progress (or the VUCA world, as Ana Couto would say).

Ferve allows itself like Lulu, never bows down, just like Caetano and its hurry to live like Belchior. It creates its aesthetic from respect for the past and with absurd horny for what is to come, it does not consider itself a vanguard in its own right, but definitely a lover of them (what a presumption, putting itself in the place of Frida, Oswald and Tarsila haha), testing everything and proving the new is a non-negotiable clause here, and new technologies are never frightening, on the contrary, they are awaited with anxiety.

In the absence of what more to say and expect, it is pure convenience of youth and unpredictability of rebellion. Everything that comes from now on is not n the heat of the moment, but rather a matter of existence. There is much work to be done, many people to be heard, and it is all for yesterday.

The fervor of the transformation that drives us


The fervor of the transformation that drives us


The fervor of the transformation that drives us


The fervor of the transformation that drives us
